How to have a Kid’s Wash Day Routine with Naturalicious + Raising Royalty Discussion

Having kids is such a joy! Yet, it’s also filled with challenges, adventure, and daily walks into the unknown. For instance, when I was blessed with a little girl, I had no idea how much hair would consume our lives. It also never occurred to me before having children, that my kids may not come…

Naturalicious Wash Day for Kids

How to have a Kid’s Wash Day Routine with Naturalicious + Raising Royalty Discussion

Having kids is such a joy! Yet, it’s also filled with challenges, adventure, and daily walks into the unknown. For instance, when I was blessed with a little girl, I had no idea how much hair would consume our lives. It also never occurred to me before having children, that my kids may not come out with the same hair texture as me. Which leads a new Mom on a journey to understand her children’s hair and how to manage it through the years ahead. 

Naturalicious Wash Day for Kids

When I was new “Girl Mom” I truly had a difficult time understanding my daughters hair. And to be honest, I had a hard time finding tutorials and hair inspiration of kids with my daughters hair type. When her hair really started to grow, I would try products that I personally used and they wouldn’t work. So, then I would try products that my friends would recommend, and still no good results. Through that cycle of trial and era, I started to learn about my daughters hair and what it needed to be in it’s best state.

Naturalicious clay shampoo

I began using the Hello Gorgeous Hair Care System for Tight Curls and Coils by Naturalicious, and I truly enjoyed the results. When they asked me to show how their products work for my daughter and to share with you guys a glimpse into our Wash Day Routine, I just couldn’t say “no”. Especially, because I wanted to share more content that can help a parent who’s kid has hair like my daughter.

Naturalicious Wash Day for Kids

What you should know about using Hello Gorgeous Hair System

  • Step 1 is a Clay Shampoo.
  • Do not be alarmed that the Clay Shampoo does not sud.
  • Step 2 is perfect to use when adding ponytails.
Naturalicious Wash Day for Kids

To find out more about Naturalicious and the products that they offer. You can visit their website.

If you enjoyed this post on my journey as a mother, then you may also enjoy seeing how I did a Toddler Room Makeover form my daughter.

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