How to Make Kid-Friendly All-Natural Apple Spice Energy Bites 

I’ll admit it, I’m that Mom who tries to avoid cookies, candy, juice, etc. at all cost. Of course, we have special occasions and times when I just let my guard down. But overall, I try to find healthy alternatives to the not so good items, so that my kid can develop better eating habits…

How to Make Kid friendly all natural Apple spice energy bites 

How to Make Kid-Friendly All-Natural Apple Spice Energy Bites 

I’ll admit it, I’m that Mom who tries to avoid cookies, candy, juice, etc. at all cost. Of course, we have special occasions and times when I just let my guard down. But overall, I try to find healthy alternatives to the not so good items, so that my kid can develop better eating habits than me. So if you’re anything like me….or not, you want to read about this amazing little snack that we can’t seem to keep in the house.

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How to Make Kid-Friendly All-Natural Apple Spice Energy Bites

I recently began making these Apple Spice Energy Bites a few months ago. Now, don’t let the name fool you. These things have never given me a burst of energy, and I’m pretty sure they won’t give you any either. I believe they’re called energy bites because of the technique and I’m sure the original version had all types of energy producing ingredients in it. So you’ve been forewarned, my Energy Bites are healthy but they don’t give you energy.

The bright side to this, is that they’re great for the kids. If your kid is anything like mine, then you try to stay away from anything that would make them hyper. So, these bites are a good choice. In my home, they have taken the place of cookies. Mainly because they’re not full of artificial sugars, they’re made with no baking involved whatsoever, and they are quick and easy to throw together.

How to Make Kid-Friendly All-Natural Apple Spice Energy Bites

When coming up with this recipe, I wanted to reflect the flavors of Fall. For me that includes apples, pumpkin, and apple spice. Instead of using dried Apples, I used a fresh Apple that included the skin. I did this because I prefer the flavor and I wanted to add in more nutrients. I chose raw pumpkin seeds because they add that Autumn vibe, and they give a nutty texture without including a nut. However, if you don’t have pumpkin seeds, sliced almond would be pretty good in this too. Which brings me to the Almond Butter. Now I’ve tried a ton of almond butter, but the only one that I seem to gravitate towards consistently is Justin’s Almond Butter. So, get that one if you can. It always has a smooth consistency, it’s not too stiff, and I love that it comes in different flavors. I’ve been obsessed with they’re products for years. Seriously, since when they first started and you could barely find it locally. Now they’re in Starbucks and Target’s everywhere! Lastly, the ingredient that I feel the need to mention, are the dried dates. This is where most of your sweetness with come from. So if you need your Bites to be sweeter, add more dates instead of honey. I threw mine if the food processor to shred them up. Take it from me, it’s the easiest way.

How to Make Kid-Friendly All-Natural Apple Spice Energy Bites

Overalls, my biggest tip when making these Kids-Friendly Apple Spice Energy Bites, is to leave them in the fridge over night if you can. Trust me when I say that the flavors are much more potent once they’ve had time to sink into the oats. I usually make ours before bed, and by the next morning they’re good to go. Place them on parchment paper when making, and you can store them in the fridge for about a week after making them.

I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as my family does. If you make them and decide to post a picture on social media, please use the hash tag #DoneVideo

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