In a large skillet over medium heat, add a drizzle of olive oil.
Add your andouille sausage to the skillet.
Brown your meat, and then add your holy trinity (onion, green pepper, and celery).
As your holy trinity starts to get tender, stir in your garlic. Sit sausage, holy trinity, and garlic to the side.
In the same skillet, keep temperature on high.
Melt butter in skillet, then pour in heavy cream.
When the heavy cream begins to heat, slowly start to stir in shredded parmesan. I recommend a 1/4 c at a time to ensure that the cheese melts properly.
Once the cheese sauce is complete, stir in lemon juice, cajun/creole seasoning, and pepper.
Stir in sausage, holy trinity, and garlic into the cheese sauce.
Toss in your cooked pasta, and make sure the sauce completely covers everything.
Serve warm and top with more shredded parmesan and fresh parsley.